Open data portals around the world
powered by CKAN


Australian Government

The Australian Government uses CKAN to make available public data from over 800 different organisations.


Government of Canada

Tens of thousands of datasets making Canada's governmental data more accessible to everyone.


Singapore Government

The Singapore Government uses CKAN as an open data portal for economic, education, environment, finance, and health data.


Open Africa

The Open Africa Platform initiative aims to be largest repository of data on the African continent. It is part of the Ujuzi Initiative which is created and funded by the Africa Media Initiative (AMI), the World Bank Institute (WBI) and Google.


Open Data Denmark

Open Data DK is an association of Danish municipalities and regions that since 2016 have collaborated to open their data, i.a. on a common open data portal.


Helsinki Region

The Helsinki Region Infoshare (HRI) has over 900 datasets. The site has Finnish and English versions, and gives a comprehensive and diverse outlook on a variety of urban phenomena, such as living conditions, economics and well-being, employment and transport.


United States Government

The US government announced in January 2013 that they were moving to CKAN for their open data catalogue, combining datasets previously published in different places. The relaunch went live in May 2013.

  • The sheer flexibility and modular nature of CKAN really sets it apart.

    Doug Young Data Cluster Coordinator at Scottish Cities Alliance


Energi Data Service

Energi Data Service is a free and open data portal where anyone can get data about the Danish energy system such as CO2 emissions and consumption and production data.


Humanitarian Data Exchange (HDX)

The Humanitarian Data Exchange uses CKAN as a feature that essentially allows organisations working with sensitive data sets to give visibility to their work without sharing the actual data.


National Grid ESO Data Portal

The Electricity System Operator Data Portal (ESO) is one of the main custodians of energy data in Great Britain.



The office of the CIO for LEGO Group looked to CKAN to implement a proof of concept internal Data Hub as the basis for an internal catalogue for global corporate data holdings.

  • Soon, all our civil servants will be using CKAN. It makes publishing data openly a business-as-usual activity, as opposed to a specialised, ‘techy-flavoured’ task.

    Iain Fleming Open Data Strategy Lead at Open Data Northern Ireland